Terms and conditions


Welcome to the Meubles Perez website. By browsing our website, you accept the following terms and conditions of use. If this is not your intention, please leave the site. The secret of our success lies in the respect and dedication we have always shown our customers. We want this respect to be evident on the Internet too. We are committed to protecting the confidentiality of our customers’ personal data in an electronic environment. Meubles Perez. does not disclose confidential customer information (name, address, telephone and fax numbers or e-mail address) to any third party. This section sets out our protocol for collecting and using the information you provide to us. The information you entrust to us is valuable and is intended for our use only. In all circumstances, they will be handled in such a way as to preserve confidentiality. Under no circumstances will we sell or trade data collected through this site. Similarly, we will never accept or take any steps to obtain personal information about you, unless you choose to provide this information to us yourself. The information we request is used solely to help us get to know you better; we use it to adapt the content of our site to the profile of our clientele. That’s how we make sure we’re always serving you better. Your e-mail address will only be used to send you information about our special offers and news to be posted on our site. It will not be disclosed to anyone else (organization, company or other). We will collect other information about you through other electronic means, such as the address of the Web site from which you linked to our site and your type of browser software. We will use this information to tailor our website to your interests and preferences. “Cookie” technology is widely used on the Internet. It is harmless and can in no way transmit computer viruses to your computer. Don’t worry: no cookie can identify you. We collect domain names and addresses from virtual visitors who choose to sign up for our address book and, consequently, for our database.


This Meubles Perez website, including any content appearing on this site, is protected by copyright. Any adaptation or distribution is forbidden unless prior authorization has been obtained by contacting us at marketing@meublesperez.com.


Perez Furniture does not warrant the accuracy or reliability of this Website’s contents, nor does it guarantee that the contents will be available without errors or omissions. Meubles Perez therefore disclaims all liability for the use or interpretation thereof.


Perez Furniture is committed to upholding your right to privacy in accordance with the laws of Québec and Canada respecting the protection of personal information. Perez Furniture may collect personal information about you. Personal data collection is for the exclusive use of the Firm, to allow us to communicate with you, provide you with the services and information you request or provide you with information that may be of interest to you. Unless otherwise authorized by you, Perez Furniture will use personal information for these purposes only. If you do not wish to receive additional information, please let us know by contacting us at marketing@meublesperez.com.


When you leave a comment on our website, the data entered in the comment form, your IP address and your browser’s user agent are collected to help us detect undesirable comments.


We are committed to granting a right of access and rectification to those concerned and wishing to consult, modify or even delete information concerning them. Please note that subscribers to our mailing list may unsubscribe at any time. We are committed to offering you the right to object to and withdraw your personal information. The right to object is understood to be the possibility offered to Internet users to refuse that their personal information be used for certain purposes mentioned at the time of collection (see “Collection of personal information” section). The right of withdrawal is understood to be the possibility offered to Internet users to request that their personal information no longer appear, for example, on a mailing list. To exercise these rights, please contact our team directly by e-mail at marketing@meublesperez.com.


You can report a privacy incident, i.e. any unauthorized access, use or disclosure of personal information, as well as any loss or other breach of confidentiality. You can contact our team directly by e-mail at ntalbot@bouty.com.